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Lake Cahul

Cahul is a flood lake on the lower Danube, located in the Reni district of Odessa region east of the city of Reni.

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Lake Cahul

Cahul is a flood lake on the lower Danube, located in the Reni district of Odessa region east of the city of Reni.

The area of ​​the lake is seasonal and ranges from 82 to 93.5 km². The maximum depth is 7 m, an average of 1.5 - 2 m. The southern part of the lake is wide (width - up to 11 km, length - 18 km), northern - narrow, elongated (width - up to 2 km, length - 15 km). The temperature in summer is up to +30 ° C, in winter the lake freezes. Mineralization of water - from 0.8 to 1.5 g / l. From the north, the Cahul River flows into the lake.

A small (about 1 km) section of the northern coast of the lake is located on the territory of Moldova. On this site there is a water station, which serves to irrigate the fields near the cities of Cahul and Giurgiulesti.

The lake (part) and its coastline are part of Lake Cahul Nature Reserve with a total area of ​​1,411 hectares, created on September 10, 2019.


The northern shores are high, dissected by beams, the southern shores are lowland, swampy and overgrown with reeds. The bottom is covered with a layer of gray loessic silt; in shallow water, the bottom is sandy.

The Cahul communicates with the Danube and Lake Kartal via a duct (in the south - the Vekita duct). Separated from the Danube by a dam, in the past the lake had a reservoir regime. The water exchange in Cahul is regulated by a lock-in fish channel and channel.

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Odessa region, Lake Cahul

45.4118673 | 28.2967553

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